Milonga Loftet
Temporarily in pause. We´ll let you know as soon as we schedule the dates of the season, by this site, Facebook, and Tangoportalen.
SUNDAYS all year around, with summer break in July-August
Summer season: from first week of January till last week in Juny
Winter season: from first week of September till third week of December.
special Milonga of New Years Eve
New Location: MAZETTI KULTURHUSET, Friisgatan 15 B, with entrance by Bergsgatan or Norra Skolgatan. Five minutes walking from Triangeln Train station, and many buses stopping. Direct connection with Copenhagen by train. See map here.
Old Location: LOFTET, HEDMANSKA GARDEN, , Lilla Torget, 9., MALMO Just five minutes walking to Train Central Station, that connect with all Sweden and Denmark. See Map Here
17.00-19.00: Open class to all levels, in drop in sistem
19.00-23.00: MiILONGA. Ocasionally guest DJ, live music and other cultural activities (exhibitions, lectures, performance of dance couples)
Programation of 2011
8 January: First Milonga of the Year
20 February: guest DJ Juanjo Passo
20 March: Special Guest DJ from San Petersburgo/Paris: Iakov, Irina
16 april: Special class, 16.00-17.00: Stretching for tango dancers
24 april, Loftet hosting Festivalito, with guest from whole Europe, cooperating with Tangokompaniet.
22 Mayo: Live music, Tangarte orchestra with guest bandoneon Silvina Paulela (director of Contratiempo Orchestra)
12 June: Photo exhibition by Lars Karholm
19 June. Special DJ Juanjo Passo
26 June: last milonga of the season
4 September: first Milonga of the winter season
11 September: Loftet hosting special workshops with Helen, La Vikinga from 15.00-17.00
Other activities will be announced soon.
About Loftet
Loftet, one of the most traditional and old milongas in Malmö, is located in a very central place, Lilla torget, in one of the oldest buildings in the city, Hedmanska garden, with more than 400 years of history. At Hedmanska garden, as part as the Malmö Sommar scen and Malmö festivalen have performed during the last years in summer time some of the best artist of Sweden, an even international artists..
Loftet has became in the last years a tango attraction in the south of Sweden, where have took place tango festivals and marathons, besides our weekly milonga, well known as one of the more friendly and open minded milongas of the city, with many local and foreign visitors every week.
Every Sunday before the milonga we offer a class, open to all levels, in drop in system (that means that you don't need to register in advance) Class last two hours and includes a general training , technique, musicality aspects, And after 10 minutes pause we develop some figures and short sequences.
Immediately after the class milonga starts. Our perspective of tango includes all the styles of dancing, and music from the most traditional to the newest. In the fee of the entrance is included coffee, tea, cookies, our traditional "Diana's muffins" and fruits.
For further information contact Marcela.
Milonga Loftet
Temporalmente cerrado. Daremos a conocer a la brevedad las fechas para la temporada.
DOMINGOS durante todo el ano, con una pausa en verano en Julio y agosto
Temporada de verano : desde la primera semana de Enero hasta la ultima semana de Junio
Temporada de invierno : desde la primera semana de Septiembre hasta la tercera semana de Diciembre
Milonga especial de Fin de Ano
Nueva Ubicacion: MAZETTI KULTURHUSET. Friisgatan 15 B, Malmö, con entrada por Bergsgatan o Norra Skolgatan.
Anterior ubicacion: LOFTET , HEDMANSKA GARDEN, Lilla Torget, 9, MALMÖ. Apenas a cinco minutos de caminata desde la Estacion Central de Tren, que comunica con toda Suecia y Dinamarca. Mapa aqui
Agenda :
17.00-19.00: CLASE ABIERTA PARA TODO NIVEL,, sistema drop in (no requiere inscripcion previa)
19.00-23.00: MILONGA Ocasionallmente DJs invitados , lmusica en vido , y otras actividades culturales (exposiciones de arte, foto, vestuario y calzado de tango, conferencias, shows de parejas de baile) i