Tango Classes
Check the current year in the blue menu left side of the screen...
Find there Courses / classes in different cities, and if planned Special classes and Workshops, and Guest teachers workshops.
Info /Booking: Marcela Troncoso
phone / WhatsApp +46 735 827978
- You, or you and your partner alone with the teacher
- Learn very fast in a personalized way all what you are looking for.
- Decide day / time, even in period of vacation, depending of your schedule.
- Decide the speed of the learning process.
- Get discount price buying packages
- Packages last certain time since you have the first class.
- Info prices and conditions here
- The most flexible system: Attend when you want
- Not registration in advance
- Pay at the moment of the class
- Thematic announced in advance, with small changes depending of level and number of participants.
- usually open to all levels, with personalized teaching.
- Several classes connected by specific thematic, oriented to a certain level
- All classes held in the same venue, with the same teacher.
- Registration and Payment in advance required
- Attend alone or in couple if recommended.
- Usually a weekly class during a certain period
- Meet same participants every class
- You will find a continuity line through the classes.
- with specific thematic
- Short period courses, or one day class. intensive
- Oriented to small group
- Focus in the announced thematic,
- Get basic advice about your dancing.
- Previous knowledge required. We built up on this foundation. Please check carefully the level indicated in every case.
- At least one guest teacher invited
- Usually held on weekend
- Included certain number of classes, with specific thematic each one, and oriented to certain level.
- good option to get intensive learning in few days about different aspects.
- The invited teacher has good skills in the selected thematic, and large international experience.
- Through guest teachers you learn different viewpoints, styles, and manners of understanding tango
Not sure yet about which system is suitable for you or need more info?
Info / Booking: Marcela Troncoso
phone / Whatsapp +46 (0) 735 827978
Cursos regulares y classes
Busque en el menu azul de la izquierda el corriente año... Allí encontrara clases en distintas ciudades. También encontrara Courses and classes, Special classes and Workshops, y Guest teachers workshops.
Ademas de esto, en el mismo menu principal, encontrara Private classes/clases particulares.
Clases abiertas, OPEN CLASSES OR DROP - IN SYSTEM: no necesita registrarse ni abonar por anticipado. La temática suele anunciarse con anticipacion, pero se adapta al nivel y numero de participantes. Sistema flexible, puede asistir cuando usted quiera. Abiertas a todos los niveles .
CURSO ( COURSE): Requiere registrarse y abonar por anticipado. Compartirá las clases con personas en su mismo nivel. Un curso tiene una cierta duración, variable entre 6 a 12 semanas, y hay una continuidad entre las clases.
CLASES ESPECIALES Y WORKSHOPS ( SPECIAL CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS). Con tema especifico anunciado con anterioridad e intensivo. Siempre se agregan sugerencias básicas para mejorar su tango. Se requiere cierto conocimiento previo. Lea con atención el nivel sugerido .
CLASES PRIVADAS (PRIVATE CLASSES) intensivas, entre usted y el profesor, y absolutamente personalizadas. Aprenda de una manera rapida y efectiva, decidiendo usted mismo dias y horarios (incluso en fin de semana, o época de vacaciones) y con que velocidad quiere aprender.
Si no esta seguro acerca de cual sistema es el indicado para usted consulte.
INFO / CONTACTO Marcela Troncoso: marceladebuenosaires@gmail.com , o telefónicamente +46 (0) 735 827978